Meet Shorelight Alumni: After USC, Shuangxiong Pursues a Fully Funded PhD

University of South Carolina
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By Ruqyyaha Deane
Last updated on July 1, 2024

Shuangxiong, also known as Justin, has been interested in sports management since he was young – and soon heads to Florida State University for a fully funded PhD program. Here’s how his master’s studies – and ongoing support – at the University of South Carolina paved the way.

Shuangxiong aka JustinChinaUniversity of South Carolina

Justin, an international student from China who earned his master's degree in sport and entertainment management from the University of South Carolina, stands in front of a tree on the University of South Carolina campus

Shuangxiong Wu, also known as Justin, began his academic journey in the US at the University of South Carolina (USC) with a master’s degree in sport and entertainment management. From mastering English to excelling in his field, Justin’s dedication and hard work led to an exciting new chapter: a fully funded PhD program at Florida State University (FSU), which he will begin in Fall 2024.

Read on to learn more about Justin’s inspiring story, filled with challenges, triumphs, and valuable advice for international students dreaming of studying in the USA.

From China to USC: A Transformative Journey

Having always been passionate about sports management and athletic rehabilitation, Justin first earned his bachelor’s degree in athletic rehabilitation at Harbin Normal University in China. He then chose to pursue his master’s degree at the University of South Carolina (USC) because of its renowned program in sport and entertainment management. 

When he first got to the US, there were a few challenges.

“I think the biggest challenge for me is academic writing. You know, for master students, we have to write a lot of academic papers … [and] even the papers for every master student [require] many academic words … sometimes it’s difficult,” Justin recalled.

Despite these challenges, Justin’s perseverance paid off — after enrolling in USC’s International Accelerator Program (IAP), he was able to significantly improve his academic English skills and adapt to the requirements of his master’s program. The IAP provided tailored support in areas such as academic writing, research methodologies, and effective communication, which were critical to his success.

“I remember a moment in my second semester when I could understand 70-80% of what my professor was saying. It was an important moment for me,” he said.

With a rich history dating back to 1801, the University of South Carolina boasts a diverse student body and a commitment to innovation and excellence. Its renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong emphasis on student support services make USC a top choice for students from around the world. Whether through its rigorous academic programs, extensive research opportunities, or vibrant extracurricular activities, USC provides a holistic education that prepares students for successful careers.

Discovering the PhD Program at FSU

While studying at USC, Justin knew he wanted to pursue his PhD in sport management after graduation. Intrigued by the focus and opportunities a PhD would bring, he decided to apply to three universities. 

“Your GPA should be at least 3.8,” Justin explained. “[You also need to] meet and talk about research with professors.” For additional admissions requirements, he prepared for the GRE and continued to work on his English proficiency to improve his chances.

With PhD programs being highly competitive and admissions rates averaging 10%, Justin knew that getting into a top-ranked program would not be automatic. In the hopes of having several options, he applied to Florida State University (FSU), the University of Georgia (UGA), and the University of South Carolina (USC). 

Despite his hard work and strong qualifications, he was rejected from both UGA and USC. These rejections were tough blows, but Justin remained steadfast. “In that moment, I was so upset, but I knew I still had more chances to get an offer letter,” he said.

Justin’s positivity and confidence in his abilities paid off when he received a fully funded offer to pursue his PhD in sport management at FSU. His advisor, Dr. Shapiro, played a crucial role in securing this acceptance and funding, refining Justin’s research interests and improving his academic papers. At the same time, Justin’s IAP advisor, Angi, offered ongoing cultural support.

When it came to applying for funding for his PhD program, Justin had a winning strategy: He got involved with the research community, especially through conferences and presentations, to identify industry needs.

“Listen to many speakers [giving] presentations, and try to acquire more knowledge from [them]. I also read many papers from my advisor, Dr. Shapiro, he has a very great thesis. Reading his paper improve[d] a lot of things in my paper,” he shares.

This approach helped Justin stay up to date with the latest developments in his field, identify potential research gaps, and discover new avenues for exploration. Looking ahead to his research at FSU, he plans to explore innovative solutions in sports management and public health, areas that became particularly significant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advice for International Students

As Justin prepares to start his PhD at FSU, he is excited about the opportunities ahead and continuing his research in sport management. He hopes to inspire future students and make significant contributions to the field.

You will get one or two rejection letters from your application, but [its] not your fault. So just be confident and work hard in the future. You know, if youre working hard, opportunities are there waiting for you.” — Justin from China, master’s in sport management and entertainment, University of South Carolina

He recommends that international students who want to study in the US should stay confident, patient, and dedicated – similar to the most important qualities in pursuing a PhD. Remember that the application process is tough, and rejection is part of the journey. 

“Be patient and trust yourself. [By] working hard, you will get quite great results,” he said.

Start Your Own Journey

Justin’s journey from USC to a fully funded PhD program at FSU is a testament to his dedication, perseverance, and the support he received along the way. Take the first step toward your own success story by discovering how the University of South Carolina can support your academic and professional dreams.

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