How to Write a Cover Letter: 10 Tips for College Students

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By Shorelight Team
Last updated on June 4, 2024

Applying for a job or internship? Follow our tips for college students to get your application noticed.

A female international student sits at a table across from two career counselors and gets advice on how to write a cover letter and resume.

A well-written cover letter is a key component in the search process of how to get an internship or job. It’s a great way to capture the attention of the hiring manager and tell your story with added color and information. Think of your resume as a detailed overview of your work history, education, skills, and other relevant work experience. Your cover letter is your “storytelling” opportunity to say why you are a great fit for the role.

Our 10 tips for writing cover letters will help you craft your best “why me” pitch and get your application noticed. 

1. Research the Job Before You Write Anything 

Before you write a word, your job search should start with learning as much as you can about the company and the position. Does a parent company own it? What do you know about the specific internship role? What are the daily responsibilities, and how can you demonstrate experience that meets the required qualifications? It is essential to know as much as you can before you submit your application materials; this will make the interview process more manageable, too. 

2. Use Correct Formatting

The standard format is much like a professional letter. Most computer word processing programs — from Microsoft Word to Google Docs — have templates to make this easy. An incorrectly formatted document in a pile of hundreds just like it may compel a recruiter to pass over your application. 

3. Look for a Name to Reference 

When you can, try to personally address the hiring manager. Search on LinkedIn or even call the company to get the right name for the right manager. Hiring managers often cite this as an indicator of the effort an applicant is willing to put into the role, if hired. 

4. Start Strong 

Your first paragraph is the most important. Recruiters will often read an introduction and determine a job candidate’s eligibility, so it is essential to include your most pertinent information up front. Start with your name, the role you are applying for, and why you want the job. Follow up with your most relevant experience, why you are the best person for the job, and be sure to include any reference’s names, too.  

5. Cite the Same Terms as the Job Listing

Analyze the job listing carefully. Many job search portals use keyword algorithms to rate and rank your application. Not only are you building your “perfect candidate” pitch, you are matching their desired traits with your experience. Review the listing for specific words and use them: If your prospective employer asks for “strong research skills,” make sure you emphasize your “strong research skills” in your letter. 

6. Stay Relevant 

Please do not try to encapsulate your life story in one page. Keep your pitch relevant to the job listing. You may have to pick experience or achievements to showcase if your letter is too long. 

7. Keep it Brief 

Be sure to express your achievements and qualifications as succinctly as you can. Use bullet points, stay within one page, and limit the length of your sentences and paragraphs. The ideal is four to five short paragraphs: your introduction, two or three paragraphs on your experience, and a closing line. Recruiters have piles of applications and resumes to get through and succinct, clear letters fare best.  

8. Use Action Verbs and Numbers 

Action verbs communicate responsibility. Stay away from passive sentences — they are less direct and less lively. You want to show “I did this,” “I helped change xyz,” “That project might not have succeeded without me.” Do not be afraid to boast a little bit, and include specific ways — backed with data, numbers, and figures — that you made a difference. Recruiters want to see how you make an impact.

9. Close Correctly

Make sure to thank the recruiter for their time and reconfirm your interest in the closing line. Let the recruiter know that you will be reaching back out to follow up. Overall, you want to politely convey that you are very interested in this job and that you will go the extra mile to get it. 

10. Don’t Forget to Proofread

After you finish writing your letter, step away from it for a little while. When you come back, re-read it with fresh eyes and look for any errors. Ask a friend or family member to proof it for you. For international students, if English is not your first language, ask your Career Services advisor or your university’s Career Center to review it for you. 

Putting together a great letter takes practice. Follow our cover letter tips and you will have a better chance of standing out in a crowd of applicants. 

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